Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Ashwagandha Churna Benefits

Ashwagandha Churna is one of best products in Ayurveda with several health benefits.
  1. It improves overall stamina and energy level of the user. 
  2. It boosts the immune system of the body as well.
  3. It improves the memory power and thus is equally helpful in both children and adults
  4. It is helpful in treating conditions such as Dementia, Parkinson's disease etc.
  5. It is an excellent stress reliever and gives enough nourishment to brain cells for good functioning. 
  6. It is helpful in overcoming impotency as well. 
  7. Research works have found that this herb is helpful in treating conditions related with sperm cells such as azoospermia.
  8. It is helpful in overcoming skin conditions such as vitiligo and inflammatory disorders.
  9. It is equally helpful in both emaciation and overweight.
  10. It is used in most of the products for sexual disorders such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, low libido, low energy and vitality.
  11. It is a best rejuvenator and push age.
  12. It is good for arthritis patients for pain management and strength.
  13. It calms the mind and induce deep sleep.
  14. It helps in fighting Fatigue.


  1. To add with above listed benefits, I would like to share my experience on Ashwagandha Benefits. First of all, there is no doubt, it can be used as natural aphrodisiac rather than using in the form of allopath medications which may cause some side effects. If Ashwagandha churna is used in proper dosage, definitely, it will help in improving sexual stamina. If consumed one teaspoon or 5 grams of churna with milk or 1 gram of purified extracted powder form daily with milk will definitely boost the energy. Not only aphrodisiac nature, it helps in promoting spermatogenesis and enhances sperm count in terms of quality and motility also as it contains adequate pharmacological properties.

    Even Ashwagandha was used for females who are lean or thin body where after using Ashwagandha, many of my patients acquired adequate results in attaining feminine characteristics.

    In paralytic patients Ashwagandha churna has been used for external purpose as a treatment and of course because of its action on nervous system, it acts much better.

  2. This is one of those ayurvedic medicines which has wide spectrum action on the body. This is one of my most commonly prescribed medicine. The reason is primarily because this product can easily sync with the body constitution of any patient. It was eventually found successful in giving the expected result as well. My motto on any clinical condition is to provide supplements or medicines which can boosten the immune system which will help in fast healing of the condition. This is one such product which delivers its best primarily by acting on the body's immune system. As i believe most diseases being Psycho somatic , use of ashwagandha choorna helps to bring down 50% of complaints faced by patients. This inturn paves way for the best outcome of other medicines used thereby bringing quick relief to the clinical condition.

  3. Aswagandha churnam is commonly used in everyday practise for various conditions. It is commonly used to nourish the dhathus thereby increases the ojas which is responsible for the immunity, energy levels and a general good health. It is prescribed for patients trying to gain weight, who are stressed, who are in the convalescense period and in neurological complaints. It is well tolerated by everyone in all conditions. It has the adaptogen property which helps to lose excess weight, when taken with warm water. It is used as an aphrodisiac without any sideeffects and dependency as it nourishes the shukra dhathu. It is therefore found in
    most of the medicines for impotency or other sexual problems. It is also used by females to gain weight and in leucorrhoea. It is used for all psychological complaints like stress, depression and anxiety. It does not act as a sedative but the rejuvenating effects improves sleep and reduces the psychological complaints. There will not be any addiction to it while it corrects the metabolism and helps to overcome the problem. So it can be taken for the specified period and then stopped. It can be used a
    supportive medicine for systemic illness like diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol.
