Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Ashwagandha Churna Side effects

Ashwagandha  Churna is extracted form of Withania somnifera and is completely herbal and natural. It works easily in harmony with the human body ecosystem and is seen to have relatively no side effects. However it is seen that excessive dosage can be fatal to the body in some special cases like pregnancy. It can cause issues such as abortion in pregnant women, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It is seen to easily boost the overall energy level of the body. However when used for a prolonged time period and withdrawn, it is seen to cause the reverse effect or loss of energy. With all this being said, none of these issues can happen when administered in correct method. It is said to be taken preferably along with milk, as milk acts as both medium and catalyst in enhancing the action of Ashwagandha.This medicine shall be used on self for a period of up to 3 months after which  it will need prescription of an ayurvedic physician.This is one of those ayurvedic products which gives miraculous and wide spectrum results when consumed in correct method.


  1. There are no recorded side effects in Usage of Ashwagandha Churna alone as a medicine on prescribed dosage. However it is noted that, if proper dosage is not followed, there are chances of getting some side effects though non-hazardous.

    Usually, the individuals who are not aware about Ashwagandha and to get quick results, they may eat more ashwagandha churna thinking that their problems may get solved quickly. It happens mostly in males. In order to gain sexual power and stamina, there are patients who have consumed Ashwagandha churna in larger quantity like 15 grams twice daily, and they end up with gastric irritation and loose motions.

    So, it is very important that one should follow proper dosage and adjuvants while consuming Ashwagandha Churna.

    Another issue is the duration. The duration of Ashwagandha consumption should be limited depending up on the necessity and the condition of the patient. For aged patients it is not recommended for long term usage.

  2. Being a potent herb it will not cause any sort of side effect when taken in correct dosage. However i have found that several patients who consumed over dosage of this product did undergo through conditions such as drowsiness, dizziness, vomiting and headache. It is seen to lower blood pressure as well when dosage exceeds.

    Research works has found that this product shall not be used during pregnancy and lactation. This is because it has abortifacient effects. When dosage exceeds more than 5 grams for 30 days some toxicity is observed in spleen, thymus and adrenal glands. When this excessive dosage continues for more than 6 months, it is seen to affect cardiovascular system as well.

    From these information it is clear that when this product is used correctly, it brings best outcome and has no unwanted effects as well.

  3. Even though no side effects are reported and specifically mentioned for Aswangandha churnam, it is always better to take it after consulting an Ayurvedic physician. It is necessary to understand the health condition and the presence of other systemic problems like diabetes, blood pressure or thyroid problems. The action of medicine in each person varies. So any discomfort like gastritis, headache, body pain, dizziness must be reported to the doctor to analyse it. There are no reports on long term usage of Aswagandha churnam. But I would suggest to take it with breaks. So you can take it for 3months, then stop it for a month and then continue it when you feel it is necessary for a month. Once you take it for 3months and follow a healthy life style the effects last longer. It does not cause addiction so it can be used whenever needed.
