Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Ashwagandha Churna for Sexual Problems

Ashwagandha bearing the botanical name Withania somnifera is an excellent aphrodisiac. It is seen as a chief ingredient in several ayurvedic formulations which are aphrodisiac in nature. Apart from improving the quality of sexual activity, it is seen helpful in resolving clinical issues such as oligospermia, azoospermia etc. Research works has seen that Withania somnifera is having immense effect on sperm cells and its activity.In ayurveda the herb is classified under Vajeekarana section. Vajeekarana refers to the sexual activity in human beings.It easily stimulates the endocrine gland which helps in giving improved sexual desire and urge. It is also seen to improve the overall circulation of blood in the body.For sexual activities it is preferably said to be taken 2 tsp at night after food with milk.As far as sexual activity is concerned, it is always better to have a proper consultation with an ayurvedic physician when planning to use it for a prolonged time period. Since it relieves mind from stress, it ensures excellent sexual activity as well.


  1. To Focus on Ashwagandha with sexual problems, definitely, Ashwagandha is considered as one of the best potent natural aphrodisiac drug which is having multiple actions when we consider sexual problems. Sexual problems usually can be highlighted in two ways, one is performance based sexual problems such as premature ejaculation, Erectile dysfunction, or loss of libido. In other way, it is fertility related issues like sperm abnormalities like azoospermia, or oligospermia etcetera.

    Let me highlight about sexual dysfunction first: Ashwagandha, due to its aphrodisiac properties, it is widely used worldwide as a natural medicine. Clinical studies show it is very efficacious potent herb, especially in psychogenic erectile dysfunction.

    When it comes to infertility issues, the clinical evaluation shows the spermatogenic activity of Ashwagandha in oligospermic males also gave good results.

    So, no doubt, ashwagandha can be used as a potent safe herbal drug for sexual dysfunction as well as on sperm related problems.

  2. Ashwagandha or Withania somnifera is well known for resolving several sexual problems in men. I have found my patients who suffer from conditions such as premature ejaculation to experience a great relief. Sexual intercourse is a process where stability and synchronization of both mind and body is needed as to bring out the expected outcome. Coming to fertility, this product brought amazing results. In majority of couples it is oligospermia suffered by male partner which is seen as a common issue. Using ashwagandha for a period of 3 months with change in diet and lifestyle, a considerable change in sperm cells of the male partner was observed. Moreover the couple was able to concieve after a couple of months as well. Thus success stories with this product on sexual problems are innumerable.
